The payment can be done at E-ZPass and I-Pass electronic toll collection facilities. On January 1, 2022, truck/trailer toll rates increased to help rebuild, improve, and expand the agency's 294-mile system of toll roads. The Illinois Tollway is a user-fee system no state or federal tax dollars are used to support maintenance and operations. make sure that any transfer fees are considered when deciding which credit card or loan provider to go with. 5+ axles vehicle or passenger vehicles with 3+ axle trailer. It’s also valid on the Chicago Skyway, the Indiana Toll Road, and 17 other states’ toll roads.
PrePass Plus comes with additional features of payment of electronic toll along with all the features of PrePass. That’s why the Ipass was established by The Illinois State Toll Highway Authority (ISTHA). Toll payment accepted on the toll bridge are: cash, credit cards, and E-ZPass or I-PASS. Toll Plaza Name and Plaza Number I-PASS Pay Online Daytime Overnight Small Medium Large Small Medium Large South Beloit: 1: 0.95: 1.90: 3.50: 5.20: 9.15: 2.Approach the lane at a maximum speed of 5mph.

Temporarily add license plates of the rental car to your I-Pass account to pay tolls electronically and avoid violations. Mount the transponder firmly on to your windshield of your vehicle you drive on the Tollway. find out the hard way that now (according to the gate agent who walked between lanes of pissed off drivers) the skyway 'reads' license plates on all cars rather than using the transponders. The Indiana Toll Calculator app is Free for car, SUV, Pickup truck, EV, taxi, rideshare, carpool, bus, motorcycle, and RV (with or without trailers) to travel across Indiana and other US states. The I-Pass transponder can be shared between vehicles- cars and motorcycles, but registered to the same I-PASS account. So in driving to Michigan this weekend, with my known-working transponder bolted to the front of my car.

Can I use my Illinois I-Pass in another car